I'm happy to announce the first release in almost a year, 4-8-4 Blues will be hitting all streaming platforms on Friday, Nov. 25.
4-8-4 Blues is the mostly true story of my great-grandpa's life as a train engineer in the 1940s.
For the past 10 months, I've been putting my attention towards a genre of music I thought I knew well but quickly learned went so much deeper than originally thought. Train songs. If you've ever been to a show, you know I always play 2-3 of these bad boys and share stories of my great-grandpa's time railroading for Southern Pacific or my own foggy memories of a little kid wearing OshKosh overalls waiting for the freight trains to cruise up the canyon.
Yessir, train songs run deep in my blood, and this first single marks just one of many train songs that will be released here in the next month and a half. Be sure to subscirbe to my email list and stay tuned for more announcements, merch deals and special sneak previews.
Happy trails,
Connor Jay